You only get one chance at a good first impression.
Preparing Your Home for Marketing Photographs
After photographing thousands of homes, We are happy to share with you some tips on how to get the most out of your photo shoot. The goal is to create attractive marketing photos that will attract buyers to your home.
Remember that the very first showing that you will have, will be by a prospective buyer who is looking at your home on the internet. And it is in that moment that they will decide if they want to come out and take a closer look. You simply don't get a second chance to make a good first impression.
Check List Before the Photoshoot Day
Put garbage cans, recycles bins, and hoses inside the garage.
Cars should be out of the driveway and park away from the house.
Open all the blinds. Turn on ceiling lights. Turn off TV and computer monitors.
Bathroom counter tops, baths and showers should be clear of any objects. Put away all soap, shampoo, bottles, tooth brushes, waste papers baskets, and please clean bathroom mirrors.
Bedrooms should be clutter free, hide wires, beds nicely made and toys put away.
Kitchen counter tops should be mostly clear of objects. Remove all outside clutter from refrigerator, like magnets, and photos. Remove soap bottles, rags, dish rack, etc.
Pick up all pet beds, dishes, toys, waste paper baskets, and kitchen garbage cans.
Remove family photos, and put away personal objects and valuables. Remove any shoes or coat racks from entry area. Pick up small area rugs around the house.
Yard and deck should be clutter free.
A vase of flowers will look great in any room, especially kitchen and bathrooms.
Most importantly, these things need to be done before the photographer arrives.
When the photographer arrives, if you have completely the above list, you can sit back and relax. We have a chronological order that we would like to photograph your home in. Starting with the living room, family room, kitchen, dining, and then move on to the rest of the house.
It would be most helpful to us if everyone would go and visit in another part of the house. This will allow us to focus on the selling features, rather than trying to keep people out of the photos.
Your Realtor has chosen to invest in the success of selling your home by hiring a professional photographer. It's up to you to get your home ready for photos. And it is up to the photographer to find the right angles and positive selling features. When we all work together, you will have success at selling your home.